Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Word of the Month: Transition

September is always a time of transition. Long summer days give way to the change of pace that fall always brings. Kids go back to or start a new school for the first time, and we transition to a new routine or back into an old one. At the very least we all have to adjust to the fact that summer is over!  It is so important to manage transitions mindfully both in life and in class, which is why I have chosen TRANSITION as our TDM word of the month for September.

I have personally set the intention to focus on the “now” in the transitions rather than looking backwards or looking forward. I will try not to let changes scare or overwhelm me and to know that the change or transition I am going through will make me stronger and better able to embrace the one constant: change!

For me there is true comfort in the fact that I can focus on graceful transitions with physical practices like The Dailey Method. It always helps me to take class and find presence when I am dealing with something challenging!  I hope it helps you in this way too.

Here’s to Fall, and to finding comfort, growth, and ease in new routines!

-- Jill

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