Of course, I
am a bit biased but I really believe that doing The Dailey Method regularly has
so many benefits. Sometimes, it is nice to remember WHY we are doing the things
we are doing so here is a list of reasons to do it Dailey!
1. You
deserve it! With the chaos of daily life, you deserve an hour (or 45 minutes if
interval is what you choose) dedicated completely to yourself. Time in the
studio is your time to let go of everything else in your life and just focus
completely on YOU.
2. Your
posture will be better all throughout the day. With all the focus we put on
neutral spine and overall alignment, you are bound to take these practices with
you into your day and walk stronger, taller and more aligned.
3. The
Dailey Method uses what is called "eccentric" contraction. This
is the hardest type of contraction for your body to sustain and it's a muscle
changer! With every repetition you are creating longer leaner muscles and
density in your muscles that ramps up your metabolism turning your body into a
calorie burning machine!
4. Your
Dailey Method practice makes proper alignment a part of the way you move in
everything you do. Whether its running, cycling, skiing or just moving
about in your every day activities, the strength, flexibility and body
awareness you gain at The Dailey Method will help you do the things you love
5. Balance
baby. Our stressful and often sedentary lifestyles can lead to
imbalances that affect the way we stand, move and perform in all of our daily
activities. Through your Dailey Method practice you will learn to strengthen
what is weaker, stretch what is tighter, and create a body that moves
powerfully and fluidly- the way our bodies were meant to move.
6. Your core
and your seat will thank you for it. In class there is a large emphasis on
pulling in the deepest layer of your abdominal wall (transverse abdominus) and
building your strength from the inside out. This helps flatten your abdominal
wall. We also put a lot of focus on the base of the seat, not only in seat
work, but all throughout class to help to create that signature Dailey Method high
lifted seated.
7. It will
make you happier and less stressed! Yay! Studies
have shown that exercise affects the hormone levels in your body and increases
your 'happy' hormones while decreasing your stress hormones.
So there you
have it, one reason for each day of the week J.
Here’s to
doing it Dailey!
-- Jill